Month: October 2010

2010 Fall Editorial

Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation

Fall 2010, Volume 3, Issue 3



We are pleased to bring the Fall 2010 issue of the Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation (JCR) to our expand- ing audience around the world. Our quarterly published peer-reviewed academic journal explores the uses of ad- vanced technologies for therapy, training, education, prevention and rehabilitation. JCR continues to actively focus on the rapidly expanding worldwide trend of applying groundbreaking technology towards the field of healthcare.

To educate our readers on new advancements in fields such as robotics, adaptive displays, E-health, virtual re- ality (VR) and non-invasive physiological monitoring as they are applied to diverse disciplines in healthcare, we present comprehensive articles submitted by preeminent scholars in the field. This issue includes topics such as the creation of a virtual aquatic world to aid in education and using night vision during operations to possibly allow greater VR immersion for patients while in surgery.

In the first article of this issue, Wrzesien presents a pilot evaluation of a virtual interactive learning system aiming to teach children about the Mediterranean Sea and relevant ecological issues. The author also considers ways to improve the software after receiving preliminary feed- back.

Next, King, Delfabbro and Griffiths show the reader how cognitive-behavioral therapy might be employed to treat addicts of video games and discuss preliminary treatment techniques for such an addiction.

Thirdly, Rodrigues, Sauzéon, Wallet and N’Kaoua present a study comparing subjects’ spatial performance on a pedestrian route based on the type of learning environment, real or virtual, the exploration mode used during the learning phase and the type of spatial test administered at retrieval. Through this study the authors hope to further

In the fourth article Cowan et al. discuss a serious game for the purpose of teaching orthopedic surgery residents a total knee arthroplasty procedure using a problem based learning approach. The study assessed user per- ceptions of the game’s ease of use and potential for learning and engagement.

In the following article, Stadie et al. examine the differences in efficacy of reconstructing a 3-D arrangement of objects presented as a real model, a magnetic resonance image (MRI) or a VR model. The findings were then ap- plied to real life scenarios aiming to optimize the visual basis for anatomy training and surgery planning.

In the sixth article, Mosso et al. present results of surgeries performed on rabbits using night vision goggles and list ways in which this could benefit patients in the future, such as allowing for greater immersion and distrac- tion during operations using VR in a dark room.

Lastly, Tse and Ho address the management of chronic pain in the elderly population, focusing on a non-pharmacological method known as multisensory stimulation therapy.

While continuing to provide our readers with the latest scholarly studies presented in an informative and engag- ing medium, we will continue to offer the newly added Continuing Education quiz (see page 337 for more details) each issue. In addition, we will now be bringing the readers book reviews, the first of which appears in this issue on page 334, discussing “Interface Fantasy: A Lacanian Cyborg Ontology” by André Nusselder.

Although JCR has been receiving international attention from peers, international institutions and international conferences for some time, we are excited to inform readers that JCR is also continuing to become more widely known and recognized by the scientific commu- nity, as evidenced by the fact that it is now indexed with PsycINFO, Elsevier, Cabell’s, Gale and EBSCO. This recognition will further our cause to inform the wider community about ways in which healthcare can benefit from the applications of advanced technologies.

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the contributing authors for their inspiring work and ded- ication to this field of research. I also want to as always thank JCR’s Associate Editors – Professors Botella, Bouchard, Gamberini and Riva for their leadership and hard work, as well as or internationally renowned Edi- torial Board for their contributions. Thank you also to our outside reviewers for taking the time to ensure the rigorous nature of the articles.

As always, we welcome your submissions, comments, and thoughts on innovation.

Lastly, I would like to recognize what a huge success our 15th CyberPsychology & CyberTherapy Conference, held in Seoul, Korea in June, was. As you know, JCR is one of the two official journals of the International Association of CyberPsychology, Training & Rehabilitation (iACToR). The annual international conference series agreed, in 2009, to become the official conference of iACToR. So, along with CyberPsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking Journal (CPB&SN), CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation (C&R) Magazine, and JCR, we cele- brate our Combined Communications Platform. We are very excited for next year’s conference to be held June 20-22 in Gatineau, Canada.

We look forward to the future growth of our cause and thank you, our readers and subscribers, for your continued support.



Brenda K. Wiederhold, Ph.D., MBA, BCIA

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation

Virtual Reality Medical Institute