Brussels Microsoft Innovation Center Hosts VR Event

Microsoft Innovation Center in Brussels hosted the first VR meetup on Friday 14 November. Event was sponsored by Impulse Brussels.

The goal of events like this is to create a true eco-system in the area of virtual reality. Leading companies such as Darkfield (Germany), Jaunt VR (USA), Video-Stich (France), VR Factory (Netherlands) and Belgian companies like VRMI, Virtuix and SoftKinetic have presented their innovative solutions in the field of virtual reality. More than 200 people attended the event. Three areas that were covered during the event included health, marketing and gaming. Virtual Reality Medical Institute (VRMI) was pleased to have the opportunity to chair the VR for healthcare breakout session.  Companies in the session included VR4child and SurgeVRy.

The good news for the virtual reality community is that these type of gatherings will be held regularly from now on. The next Virtual Reality meetup is scheduled on 21 January in 2015.


The event was widely covered in the local media. You can read the stories below.

Impulse réunit les stars de la réalité virtuelle – Solutions Magazine

Les startups bruxelloises s’emballent pour la réalité virtuelle – L’Echo

Bienvenue dans l’ère de la réalité virtuelle – Canal Z


For the media: for press inquiries contact

Professor Dr. Brenda K. Wiederhold, Ph.D, MBA, BCB, BCN
6540 Lusk Boulevard
Suite C115
Ssn Diego, California, USA 92121
tel: +1 858 642 0267
Email: b (at) VRPhobia (dot) eu